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Cure Acne With These 6 Home Remedies

Your skin represents the health of your body. Glowing skin shows a good deal of care, healthy diet and hydration. Skin with blackheads, whiteheads and other problems is the indicator of oxidative damage, hormonal imbalances and poor nutrition. Chronic acne and breakouts affect millions of US citizens each year. Many people end up using topical medications to get rid of acne. The safer route is natural remedies, though. Given below is a description of 6 remedies that can help you deal with this issue.

1. Gentle Cleansing

With thorough but soft cleansing, you can get rid of stubborn whiteheads, blackheads and pimples. All you have to do is dampen your skin with lukewarm water. Afterwards, you should rinse well and then pat your skin dry. We suggest that you do twice a day, especially after breakouts. It's not a good idea to cleanse more often or you may irritate your skin.

2. Toning

For proper skin care, toning is what you should do. With this, you can remove the residue once you have done the cleansing. This will help your skin rejuvenate and the natural pH levels will be restored.

You can try apple cider vinegar for toning your skin. All you have to do is use cotton to apply the solution to the affected areas. Actually, apple cider vinegar is full of enzymes, acetic acid, magnesium and potassium.

3. Healing Masks

If you want to heal and hydrate your skin, make sure you apply the healing masks a few times per week. To make this mask, you can use essential oils, cinnamon, honey, yogurt and other ingredients for keeping your skin hydrated.

You can add a few drops of tea tree oil to the masks while you have an active breakout of acne. As a matter of fact, tea tree oil is on the list of the best remedies for acne.

4. Exfoliate

Common causes of acne include dead skin and clogged pores. We suggest that you exfoliate your skin properly. It's not a good idea to opt for commercial products as they may be full of chemicals that may irritate your skin badly.

You can use DIY scrubs for acne. They are easy to make and keep your skin fresh. First of all, make sure you get something gritty. You can use ground oatmeal, brown sugar and sea salt. Aside from this, you are in need of a base, kefir and coconut. You can also add honey.

5. Spot Treat

Melalecua is another good choice for the treatment of acne. It's known as tea tree oil. As a matter of fact, it's used all over the world in order to treat wounds. Just like milk products, honey and coconut oil, it helps your body fight fungi and bacteria. You can make this solution with a few drops of coconut oil and tea tree oil.

6. Fight Bacteria

According to research studies, basil essential oils and holy basils are helpful in fighting acne. Tulsi tea and holy basil oil tea can be used to control hormone and blood sugar levels. Actually, these two conditions are associated with acne. So, if you take herbal tea on a daily basis, you can balance the hormones in a natural manner.

If you are looking for a good skin care cream, we suggest that you give a go to Manuka Honey Cream.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Shalini_Madhav/2396631

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9840865
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